Sorry for not updating in a while! Worse yet, I don't have any artwork to show you guys yet. But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy working on some pieces!
And that's where the good news comes in. I've had SO much support since I started this project, and the Lord has opened up door after door. I'm so thankful for all the opportunities He has provided. I am so blessed by all the people He has placed in my life. I'm still speechless at how He timed everything in such a perfect way, and placed a certain someone in my path (or maybe I should say in my painting's path ;]).
I had been asked by this "certain someone" to do a painting, in which she would give to some amazing people as a gift. It just so happens that these people are pretty much famous in my book :P Two very inspiring people, with a similar passion for Nica. I had the pleasure of handing off this painting only a few hours ago! We spent some time talking about this passion and the children of Nicaragua. A very good way to end the working day! What's more, is that this "someone" and her husband have asked me to be apart of an AMAZING event, in which more people would see my art and learn more about what the Lord is doing in Nica. And I would be in the presence of even MORE incredible people with the same passion for Nica. I have to be very vague in my details here, because its supposed to be a surprise. I know, I know... I'm so mean to leave you hanging like this. Let's just say... I need to buy myself a pretty dress ;] Anyone want to go shopping??
Its so funny how the Lord just hammers you with exciting news, compacted in a single day. Come to find out, Mama Gloria and Papa Wilbur (directors of Villa Esperanza) will be in the area very soon. You have no idea how excited I am for this. I think I just had a few heart attacks thinking about seeing them. And the FEI annual banquet is coming up!!!!! This is good news. Please go to for more information!
I promise, I will have some art to post soon! Thanks for your patience!!! And thank you SO much for your support!