Most of you know my passion for Nicaragua, but many do not know the story of why it's so important to me. Many of you have also heard my testimony, and how my relationship with my dad has been reconciled. But most of you have not heard HOW we were reconciled, and how my experiences in Nicaragua play into our new relationship. Most of you have never heard about how the Lord used a little girl named Miurel Isabel to change our lives.
My dad and I have been through a lot in my long, long life ;] What started out as confusion lead to frustration, which lead to anger and resentment. By the time I was nineteen, I was bitter and hateful, unwilling to truly forgive him for anything. I didn't want to believe things could ever be different.
About 2 1/2 years ago (still nineteen) I went on my first trip to Nicaragua with Forward Edge International, a missions organization. I was excited, for obvious reasons, but had absolutely no idea what I was in for. I knew the moment I stepped out of the airport, that the Lord would be doing something crazy. I just didn't know He was going to play the conviction card :p
Our main location during this trip was Villa Esperanza, a home for 24 girls (at the time there were only 16. In a few months, another 8 will be added, for a total of 32!!!!) that previously lived in the garbage dump. These girls have endured much- starvation, lack of education, all forms of abuse, illness, prostitution etc.. At Villa Esperanza, the girls not only have food, safety and education, but they are given a knowledge of who Christ is.
After getting situated in the Villa, we were allowed to go see a few of the girls. The first girl we approached was the seven year old Miurel (She turned ten yesterday!! :D), who was playing on the playground. She was super, super cute, but ohhhhh so incredibly sassy. She began making fun of me right away, causing the other girls to join in. Now anyone who knows me, knows I always gravitate toward the naughty and mean kids, but having the first Nicaraguan I met make fun of me right off the bat was a little... Strange, to say the least. I was totally thrown off! But after getting some encouragement from a few team members who had been there before, I decided not to take it personally. I eventually understood it to be a defense mechanism- a way for her to figure out just how conditional my interest in her would be. A way for her to figure out if she could trust me. Something she most likely learned while living in the dump. Well, I wrote the book on defense mechanisms, so I knew exactly what she was doing.
I decided to keep playing and laughing with her, even at my expense. I wanted to show her I was going to love her no matter how mean she would be, and that there is nothing she could do to push me away. It should be no surprise that she didn't buy it on that first day.
The next day we went to La Chureca, the garbage dump. After going through what's called, "Hell's Gate", which is the entrance to the dump, we passed many of the truck drivers. We were told all about their... "activities"... By that I mean how they take sexual advantage of the kids. We witnessed children jumping on the trucks, willing to sacrifice their bodies for the first pick of the trash.

That afternoon we returned to the Villa for lunch. Another team member had gone up to see some of the girls and said Miurel was asking for me. I totally did not believe her, but decided to go see for myself. Sure enough, as I walked in to her house, she called out my name, gave me a huge smile and ran in my arms. Even though I couldn't understand word for word, I knew she was apologizing for her attitude the day before. That moment will forever be embedded in my mind.
Throughout the rest of the week, her and I were together as much as possible, and I loved every second- dancing in the parking lot of Tip Top, sassing at David for pouring water on her, playing monster on the playground, calming her down when she got angry about dirt on her hands... even saying goodbye to her (twice). On our last evening, I was so upset because she was super sleepy when we said our goodbye's. I told her I love her and will miss her, but she was practically asleep. I was a blubbering mess. But the next morning, she ran over just before she left for school and gave me a hug and the biggest smile I've ever seen. It was like she knew that wasn't the last of it. I knew immediately I would be sponsoring her...
Going home was extremely difficult, but I knew the Lord had something for me to do, and that was to truly forgive my dad. I knew that just as I was willing to love Miurel and the truck drivers no matter what, that I could love my dad no matter what. After some time, my dad noticed my change in attitude, which caused him to change his attitude and certain behaviors. He finally forgave himself for all the pain he caused. My dad is no longer the same person. Instead, he is now my greatest encourager, and ironically, the person I trust the most today.
I have an amazing relationship with my dad today, because the Lord used a little girl to remind me of forgiveness and unconditional love.
The following January I returned to Nica for a week and was able to see Miurel again :D We had so much fun, but I won't bog you down with the details!
I was also able to visit her a few times while I was there for my summer internship last year, but it wasn't nearly enough time with her :[ But this is where the good news comes in... !!!
I have an amazing opportunity to visit Miurel this upcoming January! This trip is designed for sponsors to have significant time with the girls we sponsor. This will be an opportunity to not only have fun with her, but we will do service projects together, and I will have time with her family that still lives in the garbage dump.
But I need your help! The total team fee is $855, but I must send in a $200 (applies toward team fee) deposit ASAP! It is first come first serve, and there is a limited amount of slots open. In addition to that, I am currently estimating the flight will cost roughly $800 (I'll let you know for sure). Please prayerfully consider how you can support me during this trip—either through prayer, financial support or both.
This is Miurel living at the dump...
... But this is Miurel living at Villa Esperanza...
I don't sponsor Miurel so she has food and a safe place to sleep at night. I sponsor her so she can come to understand the Lord's forgiving and unconditional love- something He taught me using her. I sponsor her because I want to be used by Him to impact her life, the way He used her to impact my life.
Villa Esperanza is about to bring in eight more girls that are currently living in La Chureca, the garbage dump. But they need more sponsors! If you would like more info on sponsorship, please click here :]
This is a drawing I did last night of Miurel and her sister dancing (Thanks to Val Hooks for the photo reference :)
15X18 inches
$75 ($30 goes directly to Villa Esperanza, $45 goes to team fees for the Sponsorship Trip in January)