Saturday, June 4, 2011

Paint, beach, birthdays, adios!

One week left and I'll be back in Nica!!

I have about three days of stuff in this post!

Thursday was a pretty chill day. We did different projects around Villa Esperanza with some of the girls. Its so amazing to me how willing these girls are to help. They always have a good attitude about things. Ana, Maria Celeste and I had a few laughs, but mostly because they think I'm crazy. Let's just say, I didn't really trust them with the bright orange paint...

Maria de Jesus asked me to sit next to her at lunch. It was the first time her and I ever really "spoke". I realized I was getting more and more comfortable with the older girls, which is one of the prayer requests that I had! My relationship with these girls keep getting stronger and stronger!! She taught me a few words in Spanish while we ate... but caused most of the table to giggle. Of course.

After lunch, Spencer and I started painting the playground. After a few minutes, Miurel (aka "mi amorcita", the little girl I sponsor) decided to come help us. I was SO excited! I think she helped us for hours! It probably took us hours because of her, but it was totally worth it to have her hanging out with us. This little girl is so amazing, and the Lord used her specifically to change my life. When people ask me what my favorite memories were from my first trip, I could think of a few, but most of them had to do with Miurel. I remember the first time I met her, on the same playground, and she was so incredibly sassy... seriously. I remember being discouraged because of her attitude, but the very next day she apologized and hugged me. Then the next day she was asking for me.  I remember dancing with her in the parking lot of The Tip Top. I remember her sitting in my lap in the van, trying to kick David. I remember her holding my hand as we walked out of the movie theater with her other hand on the dirty railing. I rinsed her hand with my water, and she got mad at me when she realized she had nothing to dry them on. I let her dry them on my jeans, and she smiled. I remember saying goodbye to her the morning I left, and she gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen. It was almost as if she knew she would see me again. And I did get to see her again. I thank the Lord for that.

She made me wear Spencer's hat!

And of course she thinks I'm crazy too!

 I honestly have no idea what inspired me to do that... but it was a bad idea...
That night we just played a few games with the girls and had a good laugh! Then the next morning we got ready to go to the beach!!!

I'll skip the icky details about being eaten by a million ants though. Just a lot of splashing around!

After getting cleaned up, we all got ready for the birthday party. The Villa celebrates that month's birthdays in one night. They pick up the girl's family members from the dump as well!

We spent the first part of it worshiping the Lord. I'm not going to lie, it was really hard to hold a lot of my emotions in. I think I creeped a bunch of people out because I couldn't stop grinning. Here we were, worshiping with the families from the dump! I'm so excited about everything the Lord is doing with these families.

Not only that, but Miurel's family was at the table next to mine. I kept waving and winking at her little brother, and he would just giggle and get super shy. I was waiting for the chance to meet her mama. Before they left, I asked Mario if he could introduce us really quickly. I seriously couldn't believe that I was hugging the mama of Miurel. It was hands down, one of the coolest moments of my life. And knowing me, I wasn't entirely sure what to say ;] She eventually asked when I was moving to Nica, and when I learn Spanish, she will learn English. I told her its a deal.

Kenia introduced me to her family. I was so excited I went around hugging all of them. I guess its just weird to meet their families. You've heard so much about them, but to see them in person just makes things more solid. Maybe more real? You see their faces, and you see tragedy, but you also see hope.

After they left, it was our last "Buenas noches" with the girls :[ Don't worry, I held it together!

The next morning we said our actual goodbyes. The last time I said goodbye to these girls, I was a mess. People saw me really cry for the first time. I did okay this time (until I got on the bus to the airport) :[

Adios Villa Esperanza! Until next time!

Someone the other day said that my "dreams are coming true" in regards to my internship I'm starting next week in Nica. They really are. I love these people, these kids, and this country. I'm so thankful for the experiences I've had there. Who knows what will come of this next part of the adventure. All I know, is that I am so grateful for the opportunity, and that I'm excited for whatever the Lord throws at me.

In my next post, I'll write about how I found out about the internship!

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