Next up for Las Riquezas de la Gracia, my new series of drawings, is Pamela from Casa Havilah! For details on what the series is all about, as well as an explanation of what Casa Havilah and La Chureca are, please click here! If you missed the post about Sara from Villa Esperanza, you can read that here!
I'm very excited about the chance to share some info on Pamela! I didn't get to know her that well during my internship last summer, but just learned a little about her today! That's what I'm loving about this series- I get to do all this "research" and learn more about these kids!
I believe Pamela is either ten or eleven, and currently lives at Casa Havilah (a home for girls that previously lived in the dump and it's surrounding areas) with her little sister Ashley. Here is a little note from my friend Ayla, who was an intern at Casa Havilah for a while. Back in 2009, she and her team did a weekend at Campo Alegria, and before Pamela even found out Ayla would be her leader, Pamela clung to her. Her and Pamela became very close, and she was given the opportunity to hear about her life:

"Her mother had left her father, her younger sister Ashley and herself. I remember her saying she chose the drink....alcohol, over us. I believe she was 7 at the time. She was constantly on my heart and when God gave me the desire to work as an intern with Casa Havilah it was my mission to see her again. I was able to do just that the week before I had to leave. She remembered me and that she called me Mama, and at that point I already knew she was going to be moving into the rescue home with her younger sister. It was a painful blessing to know that the girl who kept my heart in Nicaragua was going to be at the place I was meant to leave, but I knew that she would be loved and provided for by so many wonderful people and her father would be blessed as well."
Wow. "She chose the drink over us"... talk about heart breaking...
Pamela and her little sister Ashley moved into Casa Havilah January of last year (I think!). What's funny, is that I had gone on a trip to Nica with FEI in January (must have been just before they moved into Havilah), and had spent a little time serving at the school, totally not aware that Pamela and her sister were only a few feet away! Later that day, I heard the girls that were helping, were so sweet and enthusiastic about helping- I had no idea who they were until a few months later.
The first thing I noticed about Pamela, is her incredible smile. Apparently she hates her smile because the other girls make fun of it. But when she smiles, her whole face seems to beam, and you can't help but smile yourself. I don't think I've seen anyone with a better smile- and I'm not just saying that. When I think of what a smile should be, I think of Pamela.
The second thing I noticed about Pamela, is that she seemed more independent than the other girls. This makes sense now, knowing a little about her situation. She never seemed concerned with being different from the other girls. She seemed pretty tough in a physical sense, but very, very sweet. I do remember one night, she asked me to pray with her, and it was the most sincere request I got from all the girls while we were living with them. Its obvious she has a big heart.
So here is my drawing of Pamela! It was really difficult for me, because I couldn't get her smile perfect- which is what it is...
Also, I apologize for the graininess- I don't have the best camera ;] And big thanks to Lily Plourde for providing pictures and allowing me to use her photo as a reference!
My prayer for Pamela right now, is for her relationship with her Pops. I pray that their experience will only draw the three of them together. I also pray that the Lord will use this to shape the kind of girl Pamela is to be, and be a good big sister, leading and guiding Ashley to the kind of of girl the Lord wants her to be.
I also pray for her mama, wherever she may be. Not only for her protection, but that she will realize how wonderful her daughters are, and seek them out and drop "the drink". That she will realize a relationship with her daughters is more important.
Te quiero, Pamela! No dejes de sonreir, chica!
*A portion of the proceeds from this drawing will go directly to providing for Pamela's needs at Casa Havilah!
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